Ways to Help: The difference you make is more than you can believe
Historically CUPS has worked in Mexico, assisting Mexican border area communities.CUPS continues to assist schools in Mexico and the handicapped of all ages through the generous donations of supplies and equipment from our CUPS Friends. We also assist ministries located in Hidalgo County with supplies such as books in English.
CUPS needs financial contributions and volunteers willing to give of their time. Many individuals, organizations, and businesses provide important resources, as do churches. CUPS is grateful to donors and volunteers for the Christian love, faith and sweat they give to communities on both sides of the Border.
A special way to help is to become a regular donor by filling in and mailing a 300 Club Donation Form to the CUPS Business Office. The idea of the "300 Club" was based on the calculation that 200 donors giving $300 per year each would go a long way to funding CUPS, but regular donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. You may also donate to CUPS online via credit card at NetworkforGood, or you can send in a check with your 300 Club form. Make checks payable to C.U.P.S. and return your gift to the following address:
PO Box 6933
Kingwood, TX 77325
Some CUPS volunteers work for companies that make financial contributions to non-profit organizations in which their employees volunteer. If you have volunteered time to a CUPS work project, we would encourage you to see if your employer offers such a program.
You may also be able to help CUPS by spreading the word about this mission to other people you know. Most of our volunteers are associated with the churches which support CUPS. There are often opportunities to meet fellow Christians from other congregations at church conferences, seminars, Presbyterian Pilgrimages, Walks to Emmaus, etc. If you make a point of explaining the CUPS mission to attendees at these events, and tell them about your experience with CUPS, the word spreads to new churches. CUPS board members are happy to visit churches that express an interest in learning more about our mission, so don't hesitate to help those you meet contact CUPS .