Providing affordable, accessible, and meaningful cross
cultural mission opportunities since 1989
Quick Links

This year we are continuing the Gift Catalog where you can purchase gifts in honor of loved ones that benefit those in need in Mexico. To see the catalog, simply click on the link above.
ScheduleDonation Schedule
The following schedule highlights our donation focus through the coming months.

September 2014
Medical supplies and clothing.

For more details on specific items needed, please click on the date.
LocationsDonation Locations
To find locations for donating items to CUPS for distribution to our friends in Mexico, click here

Please call the location contact to confirm your delivery.
EventsUpcoming Events


February 7, 2015

Board Meeting

MainFor Those Lifes You Have Touched,

2 Corinthians 9:11-12.  "You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.  This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God."


CUPS continues to have a tremendous impact in the lifes of our neighbors and friends. CUPS and our Board of Directors send thanks to all who support our mission work in the border region of Mexico and the Rio Grande Valley. Your hands and your hearts continue to send God's love to our neighbors in Mexico and along the U.S. border. We can't do this without you. Your prayers, gifts and financial support are crucial to this effort.


Educational supplies, medical equipment, Bibles, computers, cold weather clothing and quilts from all of you still continue to pour in to help those in need. Below are some of the people whose lives you have touched this year through your generosity and compassion.


I see every day those who give because they know there is need and I see every day people  who will never forget the blessings they receive from those who may seem to be strangers.  I tell mothers in Mexico that grandmothers in the U.S. made quilts for their children. A young student wrote "Please thank all the people who help us to learn." I see people in Mexico who share their blessings with their neighbors, like the child who has only one change of clothing or the neighbors who do not have their own Bible.  Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.


Thanksgiving is a daily act, a chain of His love, Gracias. 

Louise Flippin, Director

CatalogGift Catalog


The holidays are already upon us. If you are looking for a great gift to give a loved one this year, please consider giving the gift of hope to our friends in Mexico and the Rio Grande Valley by selecting a gift from our catalog to be given in the name of your loved one. Simply click on the Gift Catalog quick link and follow the instructions.

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CUPS (Comunidades Unidas Pro Salud) Amazonlogo
100 E. Hackberry #144; McAllen, Texas 78501
(956) 686-7456; cups7456@cupsmission.org