faced a very challenging year in 2010 but despite
the conditions in Mexico, with God's
strength we were still able to accomplish
many needed projects. Here are some of the
highlights from 2010.
the name of our teachers and my fellow
students, is my great pleasure to thank
Comunidades Unidas Pro Salud for these two
classrooms. We know that CUPS
has helped our communities for many
years. We want you to always
remember that here you planted seeds that will
give much fruit for us and for future
generations. We hope that you
continue to visit us and that you never forget
that here you are very much loved."
a young student at the Petra Valdez Rodriguez
Primary School, welcomed Helen Hogg, Spring Branch
Presbyterian Church, Houston and Louise Flippin,
CUPS' Mission Director as school began on August
Valdez Primary School is located in the south part
of Valle Hermoso where there was no primary school
until last year. The temporary
buildings used for classrooms were in exceedingly
bad condition. Principal
Angelica Marin said, "Our main goal is to help
these children be somebody in life and to value
themselves for that they need an
CUPS board committed to build two
classrooms. The State of
Tamaulipas completed two more classrooms and
bathrooms in October. This
will provide 4 comfortable classrooms for the 136
students and their five teachers.
Parents' Association helped build their primary
school and was very happy when Hope Presbyterian
Church, Austin, Texas, joined to help continue the
construction. Rainy weather
from tropical fronts and Hurricane Alex both
challenged and slowed construction progress during
The Parents' Association worked
hard to build a school for their children.
Hope Presbyterian Church at
work. |
shared tools, water, shade and smiles with the
workers building the state-funded
classrooms. Children saw adults
working hard to improve the children's educational
opportunities and they joined to
help. Children, making hard work almost like
a game, recharged adult energy levels. At the end
of their work week, Hope Presbyterian Church
members dedicated the buildings using Mark
Valdez Primary School received donations of much
needed school supplies throughout the 2009-2010
school year. Principal Angelica Marin told
"For our students to
receive a pencil or a notebook is not only a dream
but of much use. The majority
of our students come from very low income
families, children of divorced parents, single
mothers, and others (who) are being raised by
their grandparents."
The Valdez Primary School
was one of 40 schools that received school
supplies, books and quilts provided by CUPS
volunteers and supporters during the 2009-2010
school year. This is a blessing to both those who
receive and those who give.
If you
want to make a big difference for students, their
families and teachers, contact CUPS by clicking on
the Contact Us link above.
Helen Hogg, Spring Branch
Presbyterian Church, gives school supply packets
prepared by her church to the first grade
students at the Valdez Primary School.
desks and chairs for the new classrooms arrived on
the second day of school.
Friends from First Presbyterian Church and
First United Methodist Church, LaGrange, Texas
located, stored, and transported this furniture to
Brownsville. Once import
permission was received, thanks to help from CUPS'
friends Marte Rodriguez and his staff in
Matamoros, the furniture donations came via a
Rodriguez Hardware Store truck to Valle
Hermoso. Saying "This is no
longer needed," a teacher tossed out the door
a cement block once used as a "chair" for a
Unloading the donated school
furniture with the lots of help.
"Thank you, CUPS, and your
volunteers for our new classrooms."